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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The female Red Wattlebird is back

This bird I can tell is the female by the slightly visible
yellow colouring of feathers between it's legs and a lack of
the same colouring on it's chest.
Today a Red Wattlebird was sighted and I took this photo. At first I thought it was the male but after viewing the photo on my pc it turned out to be the female. I first saw the female fly down for some bread at my neighbour, Carol's, place. The bird stayed for about a minute eating several pieces of bread before being approached by Carol's dog so the bird flew into a tree.

Moments later 2 Red Wattlebirds flew out of the tree and headed in a west north-west direction. I did not see the second Red Wattlebird until the first one flew off. The second bird (the male) did not come down for some bread at all when the female was on the ground.

With the presence of both birds in my neighbour's garden this time of the year can mean many things really. It could mean their eggs hatched and the male is accompanying the female while she alone feeds. It could also mean that the eggs did not hatch or, it could mean the female is mating with another male. Either way the female looked hungry from egg sitting.


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