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Saturday, September 15, 2012

AUDIO - Unidentified bird that croaks like a frog

When I was down by the Tenterfield Creek the other day I heard this bird in the bushes that sounded like a frog. I had to listen really hard to make sure it was not an actual frog. I finally determined that the frog-like sound was indeed coming from the bushes at a fair hight above the ground, and not from the water. I have no idea what the bird species was/is and I did not see the bird, but I am suspecting that the bird may be one of two bird species: 1. the medium sized bird that looks something like a Jacky Winter which I am yet to identify; Or 2. It could be a Grey Fantail which has only been recently sighted in this area. The frog-like sound and sighting of the Grey Fantail seem to correspond and match each other but further investigation is needed to confirm my beliefs.

In the video below you will hear and see Red-browed Finches (just before the end of the video) and Double-barred Finches (right at the end of the video). The bird I try to zoom in on is either a Pied Currawong or juvenile Australian Magpie. I can't be 100% certain as to which one it was.

The sound can be heard between 19 and 20 seconds in the video above. Turn your speakers up if you can't hear any of the birds.


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