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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Red-browed Finch Neochmia temporalis

In this picture there are 6 Red-browed Finches. The very top one looks like a juvenile; 3 of them look like males; one I can't identify as it is in the shade; and one (center - the left bird in the row of 3 birds) looks like it could be a female.

I went to visit my neighbour, Carol, today to help her with some gardening. It was sunny but there was an icy cold wind blowing. To my surprise there were about 30 - 50 tiny little birds on her front verandah steps as I turned the corner into her front yard. The little birds flew into the trees. I started video recording them when they flew back to the ground but Carol's dog barked until he realised it was me and scared them back to the trees. I was too far away from the little birds to get a good video of them. I needed to get closer to them but couldn't right that moment. So I went inside following Carol's dog instead.

Anyway, after a while I went back outside and tried taking some photos of the little birds. I zoomed into the max but I still couldn't make out what bird species they were, until I got home after dark and uploaded the pics to my pc.

These little birds are called Red-browed Finches. In close proximity to these birds they are about the same size as a Weebill, which is pretty small. As these birds were so small it was very hard to identify them. They moved very quickly, hopping here and there and kept flying into the bare trees. It was challenging to get a decent video or photo of them to say the least.

Below are the two videos I recorded of these birds before they eventually got chased away by the Willy Wagtail (see 2nd video).


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