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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Australian Wood Ducks now absent

For about a week now I have not seen any Australian Wood Ducks anywhere in Tenterfield. I cannot remember if they migrate elsewhere but I do remember these particular ducks not being in Tenterfield before and then they showed up again but can't remember what time of the year this happened in the past.

There have been a few seasons that I remember where Australian Wood Ducks have actually bred in Tenterfield. I remember seeing little ducklings along the Tenterfield Creek with their parent for at least 2 or 3 seasons, last year being the last season I saw them. My neighbour, Carol, told me she counted 17 ducklings all up with 2 adults watching over them.

Their breeding season up here is apparently "after the rain", which is more than likely in Summer/Autumn sometime. But due to the ongoing drought which is still not breaking, if the ducks had any sense they would leave town, as well.

UPDATE: 2 october 2012 - The Australian Wood Ducks have returned. Obviously they disappeared for a little while but returned yesterday afternoon.


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