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The Bird Videos List

All videos are of local birds of Tenterfield. Click on the name of the bird that you want to view videos of. You will then be directed to a page where all the videos for that species are displayed in link format. Each video link when clicked on will then be displayed in the Yahoo media Player popout at the bottom left corner of this site. I am still trying to get better quality videos of the local birds so I apologize for any poor quality videos I have already recorded and added to this site.

Australian King Parrot
Australian Magpie
Australian Wood Duck
Double-barred Finch
Eastern Rosella
House Sparrow
Pied Currawong
Red-browed Finch
Red Wattlebird
Restless Flycatcher
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Superb Fairy Wren
Torresian Crow
Willy Wagtail

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